Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Hallowe'en (31 for 21 Challenge, Day 31)

I'm going to forgo Medical Monday this week (I think I made up for it on Friday) and instead have "Mommy Monday".  I have tried to share as many pictures of my family as possible;  I firmly believe that inclusion is best accomplished through familiarity. Instead of a paper on Atrioventricular Septal Defect today, I'm going to instead post squeeful Hallowe'en pics of my twins.
Happy Hallowe'en!

Pumpykin Wyatt
Pumpykin Wyatt
I am NOT wearing this hat
I am NOT wearing this hat!
Wyatt and his Pumpykin
Pweeze Don't make Me wear the hat?
Pweeze don't make me wear it
Wy Guy

So sweet
Zoe Kitty... sans hat

I'm the STAR of this Pic!
I am THE STAR of this pic!
Sad Pumpykins
Sweepy Pumpykins
Sweepy Pumpykins.  Night night.


Mariska said...

They are SO sweet! Happy Halloween!

Aunt Lin said...

They are so adorable Jen.

Jenny said...

What a precious photo......and what sweeties!!!
I am enjoying reading your blog. I taught preschool/education for about 35 yrs and most of it was spent in CA where there is encouraged mainstreaming. I enjoyed having special needs kids...they bring a special and fun element into the classroom! I also had a young man with Downs who was my class helper at one time...he was so much fun! I wish people knew these there are preconcieved ideas...
Blessings, Jenny